How Can Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

How Can Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

MUSCLE VERSUS FAT It’s important to look at the saying “muscle weighs more than fat” in context. It’s not referring to weight, but rather, the difference in density between these two tissue types. Muscle is denser, weighing more per unit of volume compared to fat....
Boost Your Fitness Motivation

Boost Your Fitness Motivation

MAKE SMALLER COMMITMENTS Many people struggle to exercise because they choose massive, overwhelming goals. It’s nice to have big ambitions, but when you throw too much at yourself at once, you’re only setting yourself up for failure. Instead, start with smaller goals...
A Walk Better Than Gym?

A Walk Better Than Gym?

Enjoying a brisk walk can be better than the gym for keeping weight down, new research has found. A study from the London School of Economics and Political Science found that people may benefit more from “high impact” walking than other activities, such as...

Caffeine and Physical Performance

Caffeine helps the body burn fat instead of carbohydrate, and it blunts the perception of pain. Both can boost endurance. For example, endurance runners who ran to exhaustion on a treadmill lasted an average of 32 minutes without caffeine, but made it to 42 minutes...

Fitness Tip – Eat 30 to 60 Minutes After Exercise

As you exercise, tiny tears form in your muscle tissue. It’s a natural process that results in more toned muscles as they repair and strengthen. Exercise also causes your body to use glycogen, a form of glucose the body stores in muscle tissue to meet short-term...

Safe Ways to Raise Your Metabolism

Here are some metabolism-boosting tips: Do 30 minutes or more of aerobic activity at least four to five times a week. Try brisk walking, biking or dancing to burn calories and get your heart pumping. Strength-train three times a week to increase your lean muscle and...