Why you should consider marketing using social media ?

Up until now we’ve heard that “content is king”. This is even more important as one can now place your content on many social media sites as well.

Social media is a way of getting others to talk about your services, brand or products.  It’s about finding your customers where they are.  Social media is not simply buying a banner ad campaign that runs on a social network. It uses marketing techniques to generate discussion and promote information, attitudes, values and behaviours.

Video, slideshows, blogs and networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. So many more places for people to find your company and brand. But with the popularity of Social media networking sites we find out that not only is content king, but “conversation is king”.

People like to ask others for recommendations and experiences with products and services. What people say about your product, service or company can mean all the difference to closing a lead or losing the business.