5-Step Method of Handling Objections

From Loren Nelson, NelsonEcom
Internet Solutions | Visual Design
Web Sites & Multimedia & Usability Engineering
We May Dose, but We Never Close

August 23, 2007 – Vol. XI, No. 22


NetBits is the weekly newsletter keeping your informed of various chatter and other tidbits of potential relevance.


In This Issue:

Item One: Latest Scientific Studies Refute Fears of Greenland Melt
Item Two: Fitness Tip
Item Three: The 5-Step Method of Handling Objections
Item Four: Word of the Week
Item Five: 10 Worst Foods, 10 Best Foods
Do you know…

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5-Step Method of Handling Objections
1. Latest Scientific Studies Refute Fears of Greenland Melt

Senate trip to Greenland to investigate fears of a glacier meltdown revealed an Arctic land where current climatic conditions are neither alarming nor linked to a rise in man-made carbon dioxide emissions, according to many of the latest peer-reviewed scientific findings. Recent research has found that Greenland has been warming since the 1880’s, but since 1955, temperature averages at Greenland stations have been colder than the period between 1881-1955.


5-Step Method of Handling Objections
5-Step Method of Handling Objections
2. Fitness Tip

Take the Stairs

Yes, most of us have heard this before, but it bears repeating. The key to cutting stroke risk may be right inside your house. Studies suggest that climbing just three flights of stairs every day can cut your stroke risk by 20 percent. If your house has a second floor, find excuses for going upstairs whenever possible. If you live or work in a high rise, make a habit of getting off the elevator a few floors below your apartment or office.

5-Step Method of Handling Objections
5-Step Method of Handling Objections
3. The 5-Step Method of Handling Objections

The Five-Step Method

1. First, hear them out – completely. Don’t interrupt!

2. Put in a softening statement before you answer:

“I complete understand how you feel.”

“Some of my best clients felt that way also.”

“I completely understand how you feel, this is a big decision, and right now I’m sure it makes sense for you to think about this.”

Step Two: Question and Isolate the Objection B-4 Answering it.

You can’t begin chasing and answering every objection they give you! First you must question and isolate the objection to make sure it’s the REAL objection.

Example: “The Price is Too High”

“I understand __________, and let me ask you a question: Assuming that the price on these hearing aids weren’t an issue (or fit within your budget, or if someone were suddenly going to buy them for you), but if price weren’t an issue here, is this the solution you feel is right for you today?” Or, “is this something you would go ahead and order today?”

Step Three: Answer the Objection (using a scripted response!)

Either use one of the scripts you already have, or write one. No matter what, though, USE A SCRIPT!

Step Four: Confirm Your Answer:

One of the biggest mistakes 80% of sales reps make when answering objections is they don’t confirm their answers – in other words, they just keep talking! The Top 20% understand the danger of talking past the close (like introducing new objections), and instead, after they have used their scripted response, they confirm their answer. Use any one of the following:

“Does that answer that for you?”
“Does that make sense?”
“Have I satisfied that for you?”

Step Five: Ask For the Deal!

This might sound obvious, but you’d be amazed by how many (like 80% or more) closers don’t ask for the deal. Scripts assure that you do! And after you do ask for the order,

Shut up and Listen!

5-Step Method of Handling Objections
5-Step Method of Handling Objections
4. Word of the Week

The Word of the Day for August 23, 2007 is:
assail • \uh-SAIL\ • verb

: to attack violently with blows or words

Example Sentence:
When Harriet came home and found her son riding his tricycle in the road, she tore into the house and assailed the babysitter for her irresponsibility.

Did you know?
"Assail" comes from an Anglo-French verb, "assaillir," which itself traces back to the Latin verb "assilire" ("to leap upon"). "Assilire" combines the prefix "ad-" ("to, toward") with the Latin verb "salire," meaning "to leap." When "assail" was first used in the 13th century, it meant "to make a violent physical attack upon." By the 1500s, English speakers were using the term to mean "to attack with words or arguments."

5-Step Method of Handling Objections
5-Step Method of Handling Objections
5. 10 Worst Foods, 10 Best Foods

From Nutrition Action

5-Step Method of Handling Objections
5-Step Method of Handling Objections
6. Do You Know…
On this day:

  • William Wallace is Executed (1305)
    Wallace was a Scottish knight who, during the Wars of Scottish Independence, led a resistance against the English occupation. Much of what is known about his life is based on legend and the poem The Acts and Deeds of Sir William Wallace, Knight of Elderslie, written by 15th century minstrel Blind Harry. In 1305, Wallace was betrayed by a Scottish knight and handed over to the English. Found guilty of treason, he was hanged, drawn, and quartered.
5-Step Method of Handling Objections
5-Step Method of Handling Objections
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5-Step Method of Handling Objections
5-Step Method of Handling Objections

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