Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast

From Loren Nelson, NelsonEcom
Internet Solutions | Visual Design
Web Sites, Podcasts, Multimedia, & Usability Engineering

October 08, 2007 – Vol. XI, No. 25


NetBits is the weekly newsletter keeping your informed of various chatter and other tidbits of potential relevance.


In This Issue:

Item One: What 99 Pounds Buys in London
Item Two: Before you place new content…
Item Three: Nutrition Tip – The Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Item Four: Word of the Week
Item Five: Chill out
Do you know…

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Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
1. What 99 Pounds Buys in London

The exchange rate means that if you want to stay someplace with style, you’re going to spend at least $200 a night. Here’s how to do it without hating yourself in the morning.

Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
2. Before you place new content…

When creating new content, you probably have a clear objective for your Web page. What action do you want your visitor to take after they read your content?

When researching your customer search trends, try and identify their interests and needs FIRST, instead of being always focused on your objectives. Every Web page should have an objective to be fulfilled but sometimes you can get tremendous conversion improvement if you put "your objective" to the back. It does not have to come first.

Stop and go back and consider meeting the visitor’s needs FIRST then offer them something that compliments their circumstance or provides a solution to their circumstance.

Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
3. Nutrition Tip – The Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast not only starts your day off right, but also lays the foundation for lifelong health benefits. People who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to:

  • Consume more vitamins and minerals and less fat and cholesterol
  • Have better concentration and productivity throughout the morning
  • Control their weight
  • Have lower cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease
  • Breakfast is especially important for children and adolescents. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to have better concentration, problem-solving skills and eye-hand coordination.
  • They may also be more alert, creative and less likely to miss days of school.
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
4. Word of the Week

jactitation • \jak-tuh-TAY-shun\ • noun

: a tossing to and fro or jerking and twitching of the body

Example Sentence:
"It is clear that Mrs Y.’s tics are far more complex in form than mere Parkinsonian jerks, jactitations, or precipitations. . .." (Oliver Sacks, Awakenings)

Did you know?
In the 17th century, lawyers began tossing around the word "jactitation," which can be traced back to the Latin verb "jactare," meaning "to throw." Originally, "jactitation" was used as a word for a false claim or assertion being publicly thrown about to the detriment of another person. Run-of-the-mill slander and false claims of being married to someone were two common types of jactitation brought to court. Before long, "jactitation" had jumped over to the medical profession, where it continues to serve as a word for restless, jerky, or twitchy body movements. In 1761, British writer Laurence Sterne threw "jactitation" into his novel Tristram Shandy as a substitute for "discussion," but that meaning never caught on.

Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
5. Chill out

All eyes are on Greenland’s melting glaciers as alarm about global warming spreads. This year, delegations of U.S. and European politicians have made pilgrimages to the fastest-moving glacier at Ilulissat, where they declare that they see climate change unfolding before their eyes.

Curiously, something that’s rarely mentioned is that temperatures in Greenland were higher in 1941 than they are today. Or that melt rates around Ilulissat were faster in the early part of the past century, according to a new study. And while the delegations first fly into Kangerlussuaq, about 100 miles to the south, they all change planes to go straight to Ilulissat — perhaps because the Kangerlussuaq glacier is inconveniently growing.

Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
6. Do You Know…
On this day:

  • Spiegel Scandal Erupts in West Germany (1962)
    The Spiegel scandal was a major political controversy in West Germany at the height of the Cold War. It began when the popular German publication, Der Spiegel, printed a cover story stating that West Germany’s defense against a Soviet invasion was inadequate. The magazine was accused of treason, its editors were arrested, its offices were seized and searched, and thousands of documents were confiscated.
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
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Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast

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