Who Is Hacking Whom Right Now

Who Is Hacking Whom Right Now

U.S.-based computer security firm Norse has released a real-time animated map that illustrates ongoing cyberattacks around the world. Without a doubt, the U.S. is getting constantly hammered by hackers. In just 45 minutes, the U.S. was the victim of 5,840...
Who Is Hacking Whom Right Now

Incredibly Simple Things To Protect Your Privacy

Password protect your devices: your smartphone, your iPad, your computer, your tablet, etc. Some open bookers tell me it’s “annoying” to take two seconds to type in a password before they can use their phone. C’mon, folks. Choosing not to password protect these...
Who Is Hacking Whom Right Now

Biggest Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

When James Clapper, the country’s top intelligence official, visited Capitol Hill this week to discuss the major threats facing America, he put cyberattacks at the top of the list. The lengthy discussion of cybersecurity marked a change from testimony Clapper...