Fix a Poorly Converting Landing Page

Fix a Poorly Converting Landing Page

Make Sure Your Messaging Aligns: One reason for poorly converting landing pages is unaligned messaging and positioning. Take a look at your page’s referral sources to identify where your traffic is coming from. Then take a look at the messaging from those...
Fix a Poorly Converting Landing Page

3 Effective Ways to Generating Leads

Maintain an e-learning portal. Set up an online community of video content and boldly give away lots and lots of free information. You heard me: give it away. Set it up so that people need to register in order to view the content and then fill it with useful,...
Fix a Poorly Converting Landing Page

Email Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake #1: Blatant Lack of Permission – Companies still try to get around the permission issues in search for the quick buck. That’s a big mistake. Mistake #2: Utterly Deficient Segmentation – Content relevancy is the number one issue for the email...
Fix a Poorly Converting Landing Page

What Is A Sender Score?

The Sender Score is an indication of the trustworthiness of an email source and is used by ISPs and receivers to determine inbox placement. Just like a credit score is used by financial institutions to decide whether (or not) to extend favorable credit, receivers use...