Digital Marketing, Netbits
Owners of a new restaurant were recommended to inviting residents of a nearby condo complex to a free dinner. Over two nights, the owners could get 150 people to start the buzz about the new restaurant in town. The owners balked at giving away free food, which they...
Digital Marketing, Netbits
Popular presentations have more slides. While most presentations are short (19 slides on average), popular presentations are longer (63 slides on average). Popular presentations use fewer words. On average popular presentations only used 24 words per slide. On average...
Design Tips, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Email Marketing, Netbits
When was the last time you had an expert review your meta tags for relevancy and how competitive they are? Have your key search phrases changes recently with new search behavior and/or changes in your industry? If you have not checked in the past 90 days, you are...
Digital Marketing, Netbits, Search
Not Recommended 1. Don’t use session IDs in URLs. It sounds like a good idea on the surface, an easy way to track customer information, but here’s the problem. Each time a spider crawls the site, a new URL with session ID is created. The spider now has two, or three...