Digital Marketing, Internet Usage
Languages: Which languages do your visitors prefer to use and how do these groups of visitors differ with respect to site usage, conversions, and other metrics? This report captures the preferred language that visitors have configured on their computers. Understanding...
Digital Marketing, Search, Technology, Tips
Use this map to visualize volume (visits, pageviews) and quality (pageviews per visit, conversion rates, per visit value, etc.) metrics by geographic region. Click on any region to zoom into the city level.
Digital Marketing, Social Media
Three-fourths of marketers are planning to increase their outreach to social media in 2010, while roughly half intend to up their efforts in each of the following: SEO, email marketing, and virtual events/environments, according to recent research by Unisfair. The...
Digital Marketing, Internet Usage
As more media head honchos predict that valuable content online will become a commodity that must be paid for, a new study has found that the recession is impacting media consumption and causing more consumers to seek out more free content, reports MediaBuyerPlanner....