YouTube Secrets You Should Try

YouTube Secrets You Should Try

Let’s take a look at some tricks that could change how you use the service. 1. YouTube on your TV Turning your TV into a computer monitor isn’t hard, but it can make some common programs and websites a little harder to use. You have to deal with small type...
YouTube Secrets You Should Try

Teens, Social Media & Technology

24% of teens go online “almost constantly,” facilitated by the widespread availability of smartphones. Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they...
YouTube Secrets You Should Try

Twitter Hashtag: What Is It and How Do You Use It

Once you’ve started using Twitter, it won’t take long before you come across what’s known as a hashtag. That’s when you see something in a tweet that has a # prefix. (The # is a hash symbol, hence the term hash tag or, more commonly now, hashtag.) For example, if...
YouTube Secrets You Should Try

Anatomy of the Perfect Facebook Post

Facebook posts especially—given the dramatic dip in reach—can feel like a mystery. How do you create the perfect Facebook post? Does the perfect Facebook post even exist? Let’s get into a bit more detail about each perfect ingredient. 1. A perfect Facebook post is a...