Tips And Tricks To Complain Effectively

Tips And Tricks To Complain Effectively

First take a deep breath. Then what? When you need to complain, do so as soon as possible. It’s best to get the situation rectified on the spot, if possible, rather than having to complain after the fact. Be calm and polite, direct and firm. Like you, airline,...
Wrap Your Car Key FOB In Foil To Keep Your Car

Wrap Your Car Key FOB In Foil To Keep Your Car

Even if your keys are right by your side, your car could be at risk from thieves. Some experts say, this household item could protect you. Given that the best way to store your car keys at night is by putting them in a coffee can, what’s an ex-FBI agent’s...
Do Late Payments Stay on Credit Reports?

Do Late Payments Stay on Credit Reports?

Paying your bills on time is the most important thing you can do to build and maintain good credit scores. If you do have a mishap and pay one of your accounts late, that “past due 30 days” notation will remain on your credit report for seven years. The...