Do you check your site on a regular basis to ensure it’s consistently generating effective results for your company?

“A successful commercial Web site, like a finely tuned engine, requires regular and routine maintenance to ensure continued peak performance. And a well-maintained online presence is simply too important to be ignored these days.”

Without viewing fresh content, site visitors will probably move on to the competition!

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“Poorly-maintained and obviously ignored sites rarely get more than one passing glance. Sites with rich content and that are interactive, multifunctional, current, and continually changing create a lasting impact and repeat visits.”

Be sure to examine your site about once a month to decide if it’s up-to-date or if it requires modifications. Four things to look for:

  1. Are there “date-specific” items that need to be removed?
  2. Is it time to add or change an image?
  3. Do you have a great testimonial to share with site visitors?
  4. How about recent press coverage?

These are the elements of a site that consumers are looking for, and remember, updating this content consistently will draw attention from the search engines!