- Online audience and videos viewed: In July 2008 the number of video streams on JohnMcCain.com more than doubled, possibly due to press coverage around his ad that compared Senator Barack Obama to Paris Hilton. Despite being behind in total video streams in July, BarackObama.com’s unique audience was twice as large as JohnMcCain.com’s in both June and July 2008.
- Top blogs: The Huffington Post blog includes the most mentions of both Barack Obama and John McCain (June through Aug 17), while Senator Obama maintains the lead in overall buzz volume on blogs and message boards.
- Advertising online: In July, the “Obama for America” image-based online advertising campaign was five times bigger than the previous month – 417 million impressions in July 2008 vs. 80 million online impressions in June 2008.
- Top states for TV advertising: During June and July 2008, both Obama and McCain targeted their local TV spots at key battleground states, including Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.