More Traffic, more readers, more subscribers.
Some people build an audience and never ask them to buy anything. Then, other people hit their readers with offers hard, fast, and so frequently that they lose their readership almost instantly.
1. To Seduce you Have To Satisfy Their Needs
You know that every sale or promotion (even a free one) is not about you, it’s about what your audience wants.
Common Mistakes:
- Sign-up incentives that readers don’t want
Sales pages that focus on the product’s brilliance and not why the customer would care
Blogs that are therapy for the blogger rather than useful to the readers
All is not lost, though. Once you design an offer with your audience in mind, you can increase your seductive powers by slightly tweaking how you communicate your offers to your audience.
2. To Seduce You Have To Start Early (And Tease)
When you build an audience, you should continuously create anticipation of future offers.
If you don’t, when you finally make that offer, it will be like running into a crowd and flashing them. People will be confused, annoyed, and certainly not seduced.
However, when you create that anticipation, you train your audience to expect offers in exchange for money.
“Seduce” instead of “sell.”
For example, seducing them would be making the first couple of chapters of a book as a free sign-up incentive, then making a one-time offer to purchase the entire book after they’ve signed up.
It’s seductive because:
- It’s a continuation of your relationship
- It’s a small commitment
- You’re talking to them at the moment they’re hottest about you
3. Seduce Them Up To (And Beyond) The Grand Finale
The trail of seduction has to lead somewhere. Even if you don’t know what you plan on selling, you probably have an idea, and you should let your list know about it.
Remember, you don’t have to be elaborate or specific, but preparing your audience for an offer down the line will help ensure that they take to it like crazy.
So how can you prepare for your big finale?
Intoxicate them with your presence and don’t let them forget you. Create content leading up to your offer such as webinars, or guest posts, or a series of blog posts that reminds them of the problem you’re going to solve and Your brilliance!
The more “snippets” of access you give them to you through content, audio and video, the more they are likely to feel that they know you, the more likely they are to trust you, and the more social proof you’ll be gathering to bolster your credibility.