What type of content works?

From Loren Nelson, NelsonEcom
Internet Solutions | Visual Design
Web Sites, Podcasts, Multimedia, & Usability Engineering

November 15, 2007 – Vol. XI, No. 30


NetBits is the weekly newsletter keeping your informed of various chatter and other tidbits of potential relevance.


In This Issue:

Item One: Tips about what type of content that works best for SEO
Item Two: Email Marketing Report Recommends Personalized Subject Lines
Item Three: Nutrition Tip – Fight flab with fiber
Item Four: Word of the Week
Item Five: Setting a Holiday Table
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What type of content works?
1. Tips about what type of content that works best for SEO
  • Create content that serves your customer’s needs FIRST and your
    own needs second.
  • Create content that will meet your visitor’s exact search query
    and satisfy it.
  • Create content your visitor will be GLAD that they found – something
    of true merit.
  • Create content that is based on real "behaviorally based research"
    rather than guessing at keywords.
  • Create content that is written for your specific visitor so that
    it flows smoothly and reads well to them.
  • Create content that is original and you feel proud to have created it.
  • Create content that has a solid, well written "call to action."
What type of content works?
What type of content works?
2. Email Marketing Report Recommends Personalized Subject Lines

Recently Email Service Provider (ESP) MailerMailer released an email metrics report on the first half of this year. To save you some time from reading all 28 pages of this report, I’m going to give you the quick highlights:

  • Mondays, Tuesdays and Weekends are best days to send.
  • Wednesdays and Friday’s are the days your email is least likely to be read.
  • Tuesday mailings typically get the highest click rates.
  • Shorter Subject Lines (less than 35 characters) significantly outperform longer subject lines (greater than 35 characters) by both open rate and click through rate (CTR.)
  • Subject line personalization is the single best place to add personalization if you want to improve open rate and CTR.
  • Shoot for having either 5-10 links or over 20 links for best performance. Try to avoid having 6-19 links within your emails.
  • Text messages show a very slight advantage in CTR over HTML, but the percentage is negligible
What type of content works?
What type of content works?
3. Nutrition Tip – Fight flab with fiber

Research shows that the average American eats only 10 to 15 grams of fiber daily, far less fiber than the recommended 25 to 30 grams a day. The benefits of fiber include a healthier digestive system and a lowered cholesterol level. The best sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, beans and legumes.

What type of content works?
What type of content works?
4. Word of the Week

williwaw • \WILL-ih-waw\ • noun

1 a : a sudden violent gust of cold land air common along mountainous coasts of high latitudes;
b : a sudden violent wind;

2 : a violent commotion

Example Sentence:
The sailors had all heard stories of ships capsized by the williwaws that plagued the strait.

Did you know?
In 1900, Captain Joshua Slocum described williwaws as "compressed gales of wind . . . that Boreas handed down over the hills in chunks." To unsuspecting sailors or pilots, such winds might seem to come out of nowhere — just like word "williwaw" did some 150 years ago. All anyone knows about the origin of the word is that it was first used by writers in the mid-1800s to name fierce winds in the Strait of Magellan at the southern tip of South America. The writers were British, and indications are that they may have learned the word from British sailors and seal hunters. Where they got the word, we cannot say.

What type of content works?
What type of content works?
5. Setting a Holiday Table

The art of setting a dinner table is easy to do with proper instructions. Whether your dinner is very formal or more casual, there are a few basic guidelines to follow when learning how to set a table.

Step One
Figure out how many guests will be attending. If several children will be in attendance, consider having a children’s table. If you would like the children at the main table, consider booster chairs if the children are small.

Step Two
Determine where everyone should sit. For convenience, the cook may want to sit near the kitchen door. Parents should sit next to their children. If there is a male guest, he is traditionally seated on the hostess’s right. A female guest is traditionally seated on the host’s right. For large parties, determine who would interact best with each other. Some people like to alternate between men and women, but this isn’t necessary. You may want to use name cards to avoid everyone rushing for a seat at the last minute.

Step Three
Decide if you will use a tablecloth. If the tablecloth is white damask, you will need a pad under it to prevent it from slipping. Also, the middle crease should be arranged so that it runs in a straight and unwavering line down the center of the table from head to foot. When the tablecloth is on, it should hang down about a foot and a half if it is a seated dinner. If it is a buffet dinner, it should hang down to the floor.

Step Four
Set the table once you’ve adjusted the tablecloth. Begin by folding napkins and placing them in the center of each diner’s place.

Step Five
Place the large dinner fork to the left of the napkin and the smaller salad fork to the left of the dinner fork.

Step Six
Place a salad plate to the left of the forks. The dinner plate should not be on the table when guests sit down.

Step Seven
Place a knife to the right of the napkin, with the cutting edge toward the plate. For chicken or a game bird, you might want to use a steak knife.

Step Eight
Put out two spoons if you’re serving both soup and dessert. The small dessert spoon should be placed to the right of the knife. Place the soup spoon to the right of the dessert spoon. (You can also wait and bring the dessert spoons out just before dessert.)

Step Nine
Place a bread plate with a butter knife (if you have them) about 2 inches above the forks.

Step Ten
Place a water goblet about 2 inches above the knife. To the right of the goblet and slightly closer to the dinner guest, place a wine glass.

Step Eleven
Place a cup and saucer, if you’re serving coffee or tea, to the right of the setting, with a coffee spoon on the right side of the saucer.

What type of content works?
What type of content works?
6. Do You Know…
On this day:

  • Brazil Becomes a Republic (1889)
    On Nov. 15, 1889, Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca deposed the emperor Dom Pedro II, declared Brazil a republic, and reorganized the country’s government. The republicans named Fonseca president, but his government was divided by the animosity between Fonseca and his vice president, Floriano Peixoto, and public opinion of the president soon soured. Instability and violence characterized the decade that followed.
What type of content works?
What type of content works?
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What type of content works?
What type of content works?

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