10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines

From Loren Nelson, NelsonEcom
Finding and Building Solutions for Your Internet Goals
Visual Design, Web Sites, Podcasts, Multimedia, & Usability Engineering

July 22, 2008 – Vol. XII, No. 21


NetBits is the weekly newsletter keeping you informed of various chatter and delicious tidbits of potential relevance.


In This Issue:

Item One: 10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
Item Two: Use Your Emotions
Item Three: Fitness Tip – Fitness Fuelers
Item Four: Word of the Week
Item Five: The Sky Train to Tibet
Do you know…

Do you want to create more conversions out of visitors to your web site? Or, increase the chances that your message gets through to a visitor, thereby, creating a sale, attracting a customer or converting someone to your point of view? Full-motion online video is becoming the "killer app" that can revolutionize website communications and ecommerce. Contact us for more information.

10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
1. 10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines

1. Ensure Your Site Has High-Quality Information

The cornerstone of any optimization strategy — or just a good Web site strategy, for that matter — is a lot of great, relevant information tailored to those you’d like to attract to your site. A large volume of high-quality content helps with a number of the steps listed below — for instance, you’re more likely to have information that’s useful to any particular person, you’re more likely to include the key phrases for which people are searching, and other sites are more likely to link to yours.

Not to mention, of course, that a terrific site is more likely to engage the people who find you through search engines, and encourage them to become not only repeat visitors, but friends of your organization.

Step #2 next week.

10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
2. Use Your Emotions

Did you know that one of the biggest missing ingredients we see in Web sites today is a lack of good "emotional content" that helps your readers understand and relate to the benefits of a quality product or service.

Many people miss relating to their readers all together because they are so often only focused on grammar or sentence structure of the technical aspects of SEO.

For most of us, when we were back in public school growing up, we were never taught how to dialog with our writing style or how to communicate by writing naturally.

We talked about how valuable emotional content can be in helping us relate to our Web visitors. We explained how Web sites today can be created with the idea of building genuine relationships and communication excellence.

If you use emotional content that helps you effectively relate and bring understanding to your visitors – that’s great. Accent the benefits and help people understand how your product or service is a cut above the competition.

But what about those instances where people may not really have any legitimate product or service?

What about situations that "exploit" the use of emotional content. Are there ways we can become more aware of these tactics in these instances of misuse?

10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
3. Fitness Tip – Fitness Fuelers

Tasty new fitness fuelers have hit the market. These are great for replacing lost vitamins and minerals you lose two sweating. In addition, they’ll keep you fueled with energy. Plus, they’re great for those on-the-run. Luna Sport Moons Energy Chews are conveniently sized for a quick-fix. The blueberry flavor contains extra antioxidants. LUNA Sport products are available online and at your local running, bike, and outdoor sports shop. Clif Shot organic chews from Clif (visit their Store Locator), come in a tasty orange flavor that has 25 milligrams of caffeine for an extra jolt. Extreme Sport Beans are available in two new flavors, cherry and watermelon, and they contain 50 milligrams of caffeine (per bag of 14 beans) — about the same as a half-cup of coffee.

10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
4. Word of the Week

epigone • \EP-uh-gohn\ • noun

: follower, disciple; also : an inferior imitator

Example Sentence:
No one can accuse Lara of being an epigone; her artistic style is uniquely her own!

Did you know?
English borrowed "epigone" from German in the 19th century. The Germans themselves had taken the word from the Latin "epigonus," which means "successor." The Latin term followed the Greek "epigonos," which was often used in plural to designate the sons of seven legendary Greek leaders who were defeated at Thebes. "Epigonos" in turn came from the Greek verb "epigignesthai," meaning "to be born after." "Epi-" can mean "after," and "gignesthai" means "to be born."

10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
5. The Sky Train to Tibet

As the Sky Train departs Beijing West Railway Station at 9:30 p.m., there isn’t an inch of unclaimed real estate in the train’s 16 carriages. Suitcases spill into the aisles, doubling as chairs for passengers without seats. Boxes of scallion-flavored biscuits and cardboard bowls of instant noodles cover the faux-wood tables in each compartment. Farmers with weather-beaten faces keep watch over bulging bags of produce in the overhead racks, while young men smoke cigarettes and play cards as they squat in the tight spaces between carriages.

Read more at www.budgettravel.com.

10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
6. Do You Know…
On this day:

  • Chinese Leader Deng Xiaoping Restored to Power (1977)
    As a supporter of Mao Zedong, Deng was named to several important government posts. However, Mao grew to fear Deng’s popularity and forced him out of office after launching the 1966 Cultural Revolution. After Mao’s death in 1976, Deng reemerged to serve as the de facto ruler of the People’s Republic of China until the early 1990s.
10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines


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10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines
10 Steps to Being Found on Search Engines