Current Events, E-Commerce, Internet Usage
Despite continuing gloomy economic conditions in the US, consumer confidence declined only slightly in November – slipping 2.3 points to 34.7, compared with 37.0 in October – on future expectations that local economies will improve, according to the most...
Current Events, E-Commerce, Internet Usage
US retail e-commerce sales for 3Q08, adjusted for seasonal variation but not price changes, totaled about $34.4 billion, an increase of 0.3% from Q 2, the Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced (via Retailer Daily). Total retail sales for the third...
Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Email Marketing, Netbits
Nelsonecom finds and builds solutions for clients goals by utilizing the Internet more effectively. This could be for sales, transactions, lead prospecting, building awareness, and more. Developing and/or use the online world as a part of their future success. ...
E-Commerce, Internet Usage
For the first time, the web has surpassed the store as the preferred way for multi-channel shoppers to purchase holiday gifts, according to the e-tailing group’s third annual “Mindset of the Multi-Channel Shopper Holiday Survey,” sponsored by ATG,...