Email Marketing, Internet Security, Netbits
To decrease the likelihood of hacks, as well as the time it takes account holders to find suspicious activity that could be a precursor, Gmail has created a handy check list that all users should take the time to walk through. To find the check list, first go to your...
Internet Security, Mobile Devices, Netbits
Yes, and it’s not very difficult. There are plenty of spy apps that a snooping ex or significant other can slip on to a phone. Mspy, WebWatcher, SpyToMobile and SpectorSoft’s eBlaster are a few popular spy apps. They provide access to your text messages,...
Internet Security, Netbits
When governments, utilities and corporations need to protect their most sensitive data, they create what’s called an air-gap network. It involves storing information on computers that are never connected to the Internet, an extreme method of isolation designed...
Internet Security, Mobile Devices, Netbits
If you’ve ever lost something, something important like a wallet or, say, a smartphone, there is nothing better than that feeling when a stranger calls you up and returns your lost property. In terms of a lost Android device, seeing your gear returned safely is much...
Internet Security, Netbits
Defense in Depth (also known as Castle Approach) is an information assurance (IA) concept in which multiple layers of security controls (defense) are placed throughout an information technology (IT) system. Its intent is to provide redundancy in the event a security...
Internet Security, Netbits
Question: I’ve heard public Wi-Fi is insecure. How do I improve my safety when using it? Sophie via email Answer: With the rise of smartphones, tablets and laptops, it has become increasingly common to use public Wi-Fi without thinking about security and privacy. Most...