Bing’s Continued Growth ‘Rattles’ Google

Microsoft’s new search engine Bing continued to sees gains in US searcher penetration and share of search result pages during the second week after its public launch, according to a follow-up study on its performance by comScore, Inc. The qSearch analysis...

Google to Target Users by FICO Score

Google plans to experiment with targeting ads based on credit scores, offering users with high FICOs more expensive luxury goods and services than those with lower scores, writes Mashable. Google is launching the initiative in tandem with Compete, which has a database...

Site Traffic Analytics Explained – Recency

Recency (Visitor Behavior): The frequency with which visitors return to your site can indicate their level of engagement with your brand and their readiness to buy. On this histogram, visitors are categorized according to the number of days that have elapsed since...

GOOG Solicits Health Wishes

Google Health has added a feature that enables users to upload scanned paper documents to their profiles for storage and easy sharing. Among other records, the Google Blog notes that “[one] of the most important documents you may want to store and share in...