Self-driving Or Not Self-driving?

Self-driving Or Not Self-driving?

You have to see the dash cam footage from the Uber self-driving accident Every time you get into a vehicle, whether you are the driver or just a passenger, you’re taking a risk. The National Safety Council said that nearly 40,000 people died in 2016 from motor...
What Is Fusion?

What Is Fusion?

Fusion is the fundamental energy source of the universe, powering our sun and the distant stars. The process involves light elements, such as hydrogen, smashing together to form heavier elements, like helium, releasing prodigious amounts of energy in process. The...
How The Greenland Ice Sheet Fared In 2017

How The Greenland Ice Sheet Fared In 2017

Dr Ruth Mottram, Dr Peter Langen and Dr Martin Stendel are climate scientists at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) in Copenhagen, which is part of the Polar Portal. Yesterday saw the final day of the Greenland ice sheet melt season. This marks the traditional...
What Happens When Water Bottles Go Unwashed?

What Happens When Water Bottles Go Unwashed?

Look, at this point, we know that pretty much everything gets covered in fecal matter. Your iPhone. Your toothbrush. Your shoes. The water that we swim in and the roads upon which we drive. Truly, the world is awash in that which comes from within us. So it’s...