Total Number of Websites

Total Number of Websites

There are over 1 billion websites on the world wide web today. This milestone was first reached in September of 2014, as confirmed by NetCraft in its October 2014 Web Server Survey and first estimated and announced by Internet Live Stats (see the tweet from the...
Food Ordering Services

Food Ordering Services

Deciding how to get your next meal? Below is the list of the Top 10 Food Ordering Technologies.  Delicious! Eat24 ChowNow GrubHub Deliveroo Caviar Seamless Web OrderAhead Zenchef Brygid...
Full and Part-Time Legislatures

Full and Part-Time Legislatures

It seems like an easy question: Which legislatures are full-time and which ones are part-time? But with 50 different formulas for designing a state legislature, it’s difficult to paint this issue in black and white. We have grouped the 50 state legislatures into...