Maintaining a Facebook presence, as well as participating in other social networks, can be a valuable way for businesses to connect with prospects and customers, share content, and generate leads. But as you’re likely aware, the capability to easily and freely customize a Facebook business page isn’t really there. Unlike your own website, you have to work within Facebook’s individual restrictions and design limitations. This can make it difficult for businesses to achieve a unique presence that stands out from competitors.
But, is it impossible? No. In fact, there are several things you can do to uniquely brand and customize your Facebook page.
1. Claim Your Vanity URL
2. Create a Custom Welcome Page
3. Get Creative With Your Picture
4. Leverage Your Page’s Photo Strip
5. Create Custom Tabs
6. Create Tabs Showcasing Content From Other Channels
7. Customize Your Post Targeting
8. Run a Facebook Contest/Promotion