A client’s site recently realized a 983% increase in unique visitors compared to the same 30 period 12 months ago.
The opportunity ahead of us now is converting that enormous traffic increase to a return on investment (ROI) for their business. Truly a pleasant one to have!
There are many pot holes yet to step into. New testing. Additional calls to action. Experimenting with new text and content. The job is far from done. How many times has an advertisement or marketing campaign gotten you into a store or into the mood to buy, only to leave without make a purchase or transaction with the business or organization?
Phase One, getting traffic to your site is Job One. Phase Two, converting your traffic to revenue, the transaction, or action you wish is Job Two. You might even find returning to Phase One becomes necessary because the traffic is not targeted correctly.
The internet is fluid; so must be our efforts in getting the ROI and reaching the goals we’re after.