And now, if you book a flight using Google Flights, and (importantly) if the flight is noted as one protected by the new Google price guarantee, you’ll be reimbursed for the price difference if the flight goes up by at least $5 after you book.

Per Google, the “price guarantee is only available for flights for which we’re confident that the price won’t drop.

These flights are marked with a colorful price badge when you’re picking your departing and returning flights.

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Price guarantee only refunds you if the price of your flight drops after you book and before you fly.”

The maximum you can get paid out is $500 total for all flights on a booking. But guaranteeing a flight costs you nothing, and Google will monitor pricing itself. “After you book, you’ll get an email letting you know if the price dropped or not. If it did, we’ll send you a link where you can claim the difference. Once you fill out the form, Google will deposit the difference right in your bank account. If the price didn’t go down, you can rest assured that you got the best price with Google Flights.”