Bloggers collectively create nearly one million blog posts each day, and half of bloggers believe blogs will be a primary source of news and entertainment in the next five years, according to Technorati’s 2008 State of the Blogosphere Report, MarketingCharts writes.
Though there is no widespread agreement on the size of the blogosphere, 133 million blog records have been indexed by Technorati since 2002. This growing number- and the blurring of lines between blogs and mainstream media – indicate that blogs have hit the mainstream, and now have representation in top-10 website lists across all key categories.
Active bloggers conduct an average of five different activities to attract visitors, and 28 percent do at least seven activities.
Bloggers link to and from other sites and have a median number of 29 links from their blog to other websites and a median of 30 links from other websites to their blog.
Bloggers make use of a variety of technological tools to attract visitors. Top audience-building strategies include listing a blog on Technorati and Google, commenting or linking to other blogs, tagging blog posts using R S S feeds and widgets.
Technorati’s top 100 bloggers are twice as likely to use tags in their posts.