The Sender Score is an indication of the trustworthiness of an email source and is used by ISPs and receivers to determine inbox placement. Just like a credit score is used by financial institutions to decide whether (or not) to extend favorable credit, receivers use the Sender Score, to determine whether (or not) to let email through. The data that is used to compile the score is called reputation metrics. Senders with good reputation metrics earn high scores and usually, high inbox placement because they are considered to have a good email sending reputation.


Sender Scores range from 0 to 100, where 0 is the worst, and 100 is the best possible score. The best email senders regularly maintain a Sender Score above 70 and as a result, these senders have good email sending reputations. Anything below 70 should be cause for alarm. However, even if you have a score of 70 or above, you should still be wary of two key things.

Just like mortgage criteria vary from lender to lender, different ISPs use reputation metrics in different ways. So what may be acceptable at one ISP may not be acceptable at another.

The Sender Score can change with each campaign. So no matter how high (or low) the score is, senders should regularly monitor their deliverability so they can fix and prevent problems before they impact their revenue stream


Any business that deploys mail needs to monitor their Sender Score on a regular basis to help make their email programs more successful. Email technology providers like you also have some culpability in email deliverability, especially when it comes to infrastructure issues and shared IPs. The Sender Score is an indicator of email deliverability problems so you can use it internally to monitor your senders and your IPs and use it to educate your clients on email deliverability and best practices. You can even turn email deliverability into a fruitful revenue stream for your business by offering them full-scale email deliverability tools and services by becoming a Return Path partner.

Return Path is global market leader in email deliverability, reputation and response providing tools and services that take senders beyond the score to maximize email revenue. Our deliverability monitoring suite provides complete visibility into the inbox so you know where your email is going. Our whitelisting services fast track mail to over 1.3 billion inboxes worldwide including Hotmail, MSN and Yahoo! In fact, Return Path Certification is the industry’s largest and most trusted whitelist. To learn more about how to resell our tools and services to your customers, or to walk through your report, please feel free contact us today.