Where do you find the news online?

From Loren Nelson, NelsonEcom
Finding and Building Solutions for Your Internet Goals
Visual Design, Web Sites, Podcasts, Multimedia, & Usability Engineering

June 1, 2008 – Vol. XII, No. 17


NetBits is the weekly newsletter keeping your informed of various chatter and delicious tidbits of potential relevance.


In This Issue:

Item One: Where do you find the news online?
Item Two: Global Warming is Natural
Item Three: Nutrition Tip – Liquid Assets
Item Four: Word of the Week
Item Five: Google Friend Connect
Do you know…

Do you want to create more conversions out of visitors to your web site? Or, increase the chances that your message gets through to a visitor, thereby, creating a sale, attracting a customer or converting someone to your point of view? Full-motion online video is becoming the "killer app" that can revolutionize website communications and ecommerce. Contact us for more information.

Where do you find the news online?
1. Where do you find the news online?

I am updating my reference links and want to find some different resources for news. Which site or sites do you like? Where do you look online for news? Drop me a quick email letting me know!

Where do you find the news online?
Where do you find the news online?
2. Global Warming is Natural

Dr. Arthur Robinson of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) will announce that more than 31,000 scientists have signed a petition rejecting claims of human-caused global warming. The purpose of OISM’s Petition Project is to demonstrate that the claim of "settled science" and an overwhelming "consensus" in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climate damage is wrong. No such consensus or settled science exists. As indicated by the petition text and signatory list, a very large number of American scientists reject this hypothesis.

It is evident that 31,072 Americans with university degrees in science – including 9,021 PhDs, are not "a few." Moreover, from the clear and strong petition statement that they have signed, it is evident that these 31,072 American scientists are not "skeptics."

Where do you find the news online?
Where do you find the news online?
3. Nutrition Tip – Liquid Assets

If you’re going to drink a beverage with calories (i.e., fruit juice, soda, sweetened coffee and tea, or alcohol), you need to consciously adjust your diet to accommodate those extra calories. Research shows that people typically make adjustments to eat fewer calories over the course of a day after eating a solid food like jelly beans, but not after drinking the same amount of calories in a glass of soda. And if you want to replace sweetened drinks with their calorie-free counterparts, rethink it. Some research suggests that people who drink no or low-calorie drinks might actually end up eating more. The best thirst quencher — you guessed it — water.

Where do you find the news online?
Where do you find the news online?
4. Word of the Week

hors de combat • \or-duh-kohng-BAH (the "ng" is not pronounced, but the preceding vowel is nasalized)\ • adjective or adverb

out of combat : disabled

Example Sentence:
With their best pitcher hors de combat with a shoulder injury, the team faced a bleak season.

Did you know?
We picked up "hors de combat" directly from French back in the mid-18th century. Benjamin Franklin put the term to use in a 1776 letter, observing that an "arrow sticking in any part of a man puts him hors du [sic] combat till it is extracted." But you don’t have to use the word as literally as Franklin did. "Combat" can refer to any fight or contest, not just fighting in a war. A politician who’s out of the running in a political race could be declared "hors de combat," for example. But the adjective (or adverb) need not refer only to humans or animals: if you own a car, chances are your vehicle has been hors de combat at least once.

Where do you find the news online?
Where do you find the news online?
5. Google Friend Connect

Did you know that on May 12, Google announced a preview release of Google Friend Connect, a service that helps website owners grow traffic by enabling any site on the web to easily provide social features for its visitors.

Without requiring coding experience, "Google Friend Connect" gives site owners a way to attract and engage more people by giving visitors a way to connect with friends on their websites.

  • Drive traffic: people who discover interesting sites can bring their friends with them, and can opt-in to publish their activities on those sites back into their social network, attracting even more visitors.
  • Increase engagement: access to friends and OpenSocial applications provides more interesting content and richer social experiences.
  • Less work: any site can have social components without hiring a programming team or becoming a social network.
Where do you find the news online?
Where do you find the news online?
6. Do You Know…
On this day:

  • The Cable News Network (CNN) Begins Broadcasting (1980)
    CNN, a division of the Turner Broadcasting System owned by Time Warner, is widely credited with introducing the concept of 24-hour news coverage. Its services are available to more than 1.5 billion people in over 212 countries and territories. CNN’s coverage of the Gulf War and other conflicts and crises of the early 1990s, including, perhaps most famously, the "Black Hawk Down" incident in Mogadishu, led to the coining of the term "the CNN effect."
Where do you find the news online?
Where do you find the news online?
Where do you find the news online?