Facinating Facts, Netbits, Technology
What plane is flying over your house? Have you ever wondered where that plane flying overhead is going and what type of aircraft it is? Every day, you see planes in the sky… sometimes very high, with or without con-trails We often ask ourselves these questions:...
Facinating Facts, Netbits
The United States has a health problem. Across the country, life expectancies routinely fail to meet the standards set by other developed nations. Differences in life expectancy between the United States and other developed nations, such as Switzerland and Japan, are...
Facinating Facts, Netbits
Think you are working hard? Long hours? Ever wondered where the United States ranks internationally for hours worked? Check it out. You’ll be surprised!
Facinating Facts, Netbits
How many Americans are shopping, watching TV or working at any given moment of the day? A new interactive chart, built by e-commerce company Retale using survey data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, answers that question, depicting what Americans are doing in real...
Facinating Facts, Netbits
Last week researchers at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore proposed what might be the most plausible explanation yet for the Mpemba effect. You’ve probably heard before that hot water freezes...
Facinating Facts, Netbits
Bounce rate: According to Google, the bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that see only one page during a visit to your site. A bounce is calculated as a single-page view or single-event trigger in a session or visit. This means that if you’re using event...